Half of me wanted to hate this movie, while the other wanted to love it. As it turns out, it’s based on one of my favorite novels by Stephen C. Gould.
I read Jumper in the early Nineties while I was still formulating my reading tastes and loved its often unsettling portrayal of an abused teen who suddenly discovers he can teleport to places he’s been before. Eventually, he finds out he can teleport to places he hasn’t been as long as he can focus on an image of it. Talk about your wish list of powers!
Naturally, the protagonist is pursued by a government agent hell-bent on either destroying him or using his powers for national security.
The film is something of a departure from the book in that it fleshes out the concept of Jumpers as a secret group of social outcast and adds a group of fanatical weirdos who pursue them. The first twenty minutes of the novel, the narrated portion, are identical to the book with one glaring exception: The truck stop anal rape scene is missing! The whole point of that scene was to show the protagonist that escape from abuse is not always as easy as it sounds. I really wish they’d kept that scene.
The film is surprisingly enjoyable. Instead of destroying a great concept, it builds upon it. Even Gould acknowledges in the extras that his story was too internal to make a good visual tale without some major changes. He even likes the idea of the fanatics who feel it’s their duty to destroy these “abominations” against God’s will and so do I!
Hayden Christensen shows he is not a wooden actor at all and is in fact in possession of a decent amount of range. Samuel L Jackson is…well, come on, who in their right minds would say anything negative about one of our greatest actors? I loved the Scottish kid who reveals to Christensen that Jumpers have been around for a long time, a departure from the novel.
The DVD extras are filled with talk of making this a film trilogy and I would be interested in seeing that.
*** out of *****
The last time we saw Hayden Christiansen and Samuel L. Jackson on screen together, Mace Windu was receiving his first and only impromptu flying lesson from a newly minted Darth Vader. Oh, what a great film Revenge of the Sith was!!!
Wait, we're not talking about that movie now, are we?? What the....!!
Oh, this is supposed to be a review of Jumper, huh?
Right, right. Why didn't you say so sooner?
It has been a long time since I've anticipated watching any movie as much as I had with this one, while not knowing much about it. I had wanted to see it in the theater but never got around to it.
Quite frankly, I would have been disappointed and I'm glad I didn't waste my money.
Why, you ask? Was this not a great and enjoyable film? Sure it was. What there was of it, anyway.
Unlike the scribester, I had never read the novel and only knew about the story from what the movie trailers gave away, which is to say not much. If ever there was unrealized potential in a movie, this was it.
At 88 minutes of run time, this movie was way too short. It could have easily been an hour longer without dragging the story down one bit. The story didn't develop nearly as much as I would have liked and was expecting. It left more questions than it answered and left many questions unanswered.
Here are some of the questions I had:
How exactly does Roland find David after eight years of presumably cold-trail and somehow end up in his apartment out of the blue one night?
I want to know more about the history behind the story. Show me some of the battles, rivalry and hatred between Paladins and Jumpers in the past; how it came to be that way and how that leads us to the story at hand? Seems like being a Jumper is something you are born with, not a skill you can aquire over time.
Exactly how does one become a Paladin? why is it that a female Paladin can give birth to babies who eventually become Jumpers? What is the connection between them? Can female Jumpers give birth to eventual Paladins? Let's see some juicy inner conflict as Mary Rice realizes she'll have to abandon her five year old son or kill him when she realizes what he is.
Why is Griffin such a twat? Shouldn't he be happy there's another Jumper to fight the Paladins along with him instead of being annoyed and offended by David's presence in every scene?
Good questions all.
Doug Liman's reputation as an action movie director is never in question with me. He does a great job with the material he has to work with. The screenplay, while short, is excellently written and is tailor made for a sequel because Roland is too much of a bad-a$$ to be left in the mouth of a cave in the desert for too long...
Actually, I think this movie needs at least a prequel/sequel type deal to address the plot holes and questions I mentioned above. A third film could be good, nay- might even be necessary- depending on how the first sequel works. BUT Liman must direct and the five main actors must reprise their roles. Using alternate actors just won't do.
Because my library set this DVD up as a two day rental, I didn't have time to watch the extras. Too bad for me, I guess.
This film could easily have gotten four or four and a half stars and become one of my favorite films. But as it is now I can't say that or rate it any higher.
** out of *****
Labels: review
I read the books and wanted more, more, more. I'm totally prejudiced of course but it's my opnion that the whole concept of the story and movie is so irresistable and intriguing that it deserves a sequel. Jumper, the movie, was such a wonderful tease and it left me wanting more.
Well, this is an interesting development. Within moments of posting this, a review shows up out of nowhere.
Hey, I saw this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had the feeling that there should be more as well. Will there be a sequel?
According to the DVD extras this is planned as a trilogy.
d: I liked this movie too. Just wish there was more of it.
scribe: if it actually works out that way and they do crank out two sequels, that would be.... that would be.... good.
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