Scribe & Green on the BIG screen

There are far too many people out there writing “reviews of movie-films & articles about them with absolutely no clue what the hell they’re talking about." Here are 2 more of them! (Well, one of us knows what the h___ we're talking about, but we'll leave it up to you to decide who that is...) Ultimately, can two people as opposite as Scribe and Green agree on anything?? That's where the fun begins. Won't you join us? (Every now and then we'll add a guest review, just for kicks.)

Monday, August 13, 2007

OK, enough of this candy-ass ass-candy sweet rectal flavored sugar coated topping ass candy with like a chewy nugget center ass...candy...stuff...YEAH

I feel we need to get back to what makes this blog great: Stuff that I come up with that Green obediantly complies with! (My preposition notwithstanding)

Is it not my turn to issue a challenge to God's favored son? (Don't tell Jesus...he's delicate!)

Green, come here suh! I challenge thee to review!!!

Yeah, what you said.

So your next movie review challenge would be...

C'mon, man let's have it!! Spit it out, boy! I ain't got all day, y'know! Sheeee-it!


At 13 August, 2007 20:33 , Blogger Tim said...

what about that other stuff you were talkin' about? Hey?

At 13 August, 2007 20:34 , Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

If you insist!!!

At 14 August, 2007 19:41 , Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

Did green just write "sheeit?"


My evil influence knows no limitations!!!


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