Scribe's First Challenge
I have challenged the scribester privately to choose his first poison pill, er, movie- for our next review in this here column....
As soon as he maketh his selection, it shall be announced in this very space.
As the great balladeer once said on a 20+ year old Georgia-based television show:
"So don't y'all go nowhere, y'hear?"
What did I tell you?
Didn't I tell you NOT to go anywhere?
And what did you do? You went somewhere anyway. Don't think I'll forget this transgression of yours any time soon...
Now that you're back, I must confess that there are times when a good Christian man, such as myself, can be totally evil. And I also must confess that my evilness, in this particular instance, is fun.
You see, somewhere back in the last few years of blogging, I vaguely remembered that Sir Scribe-a-lot doesn't like animated movies. In fact I believe he despises them with a passion! Obviously, then, when I sent him a list of movies to choose from for this review - all were animated. A list I sent to him with a great deal of vicious glee and evil smirks upon my face.
Grudgingly, then, Scribe-o-Rama has agreed to watch and review "Brother Bear" as our next review for this wonderful column. As the format goes, MY review will come first and his review will be below mine, in the "true" evolutionary order of the universe.